Garifuna Culture Experience Exhibit to take place in The Bronx in December 2023.

This Garifuna Exhibit will be at Boricua College in the Bronx and will last until the End of December 2023.


Copyright 2023 by Teofilo Colon Jr for Being Garifuna. All Rights Reserved.


Bronx, New York – The Garifuna Heritage Center for The Arts and Culture Inc presents The Garifuna Culture Experience Exhibit.



Curated by Dancer, Choreographer and College Professor of Honduran Garifuna Heritage, Mrs. Luz Soliz-Ramos, This Unique Exhibit will be an Exhibit of Garifuna Culture through Photography from Oscar Solis, Artwork, Music and Authentic Garifuna Artifacts.


As shown in the Flyer above, The Grand Opening of THIS FREE Exhibit will be on THURSDAY, December 14th 2023 from 6pm to 8pm at The Boricua College Art Gallery in the Bronx. Normal Hours of The Exhibit will be from Monday through Friday. 11am to 5pm.





The Exhibit will be at Boricua College Art Gallery. Located on the First Floor at Boricua College Branch in The Bronx.




In 2021, I attended a similar Exhibit curated by Mrs. Luz Soliz-Ramos at Boricua College in the Bronx.




In fact, the Photos included in this post are from that 2021 Exhibit. I was careful as I didn’t want to show EVERYTHING through the photos, but trust me, there is PLENTY to see.



The Exhibit is Family friendly with an a Focus on sharing and educating people interested in Garifuna Culture or simply open minded and curious to aspects of Garifuna Life.



In talking with Mrs. Luz Soliz-Ramos in 2021, she expressed a desire to get through to Garifuna Youth with this Exhibit.



With Many American Youths of Garifuna Heritage born and raised in Cities across the United States, she expressed concern that some of them may be out of touch with their cultural heritage.



They may simply not know what life may have been like for their parents growing up in Central America.



This Exhibit will only be available for a short period of time. Perhaps Local Day Care Centers can make trips to attend this FREE Garifuna Exhibit.


Mrs. Luz Soliz-Ramos is a Dancer, Choreographer and Professor of Dance at Boricua College in Manhattan and The Bronx. She is also the founder of Hamalali Wayunagu Garifuna Dance Company. It’s been renamed Wabafu Garifuna Dance Company.


The Boricua College Art Gallery is located on 890 Washington Avenue in the Bronx. Scroll up to the Flyer located at the top of this posting for more information.

