American Photographer and Blogger of Honduran Garifuna Heritage, Mr. Teofilo “Tio Teo” Colon Jr To Be Honored at Bronx Fundraiser Gala

The 2024 Central American Fundraiser Gala is TONIGHT, SATURDAY, August 24th 2024.


Copyright 2024 by Teofilo Colon Jr for Being Garifuna. All Rights Reserved.


Bronx, New York – The IHCAP Inc (International Honduran Central American Parade) Non-Profit Organization has announced that BEING GARIFUNA Publisher and American Photographer of Honduran Garifuna Heritage, Mr. Teofilo Colon Jr will be Honored at The 2024 Central American Fundraiser Gala in the Bronx, TONIGHT, SATURDAY, August 24th 2024.



Born and Mostly raised in the East New York section of Brooklyn, Teofilo, also known as Teo for short or “Tio Teo” is a Photographer and Blogger responsible for the BEING GARIFUNA website.



Tio Teo began chronicling Garifuna News via Photography and Blogging on the WordPress platform in 2008 – 2009.


Interested in Ownership, Tio Teo Officially Blogged on his own website in February of 2010.


Since 2010, this English Language blog has chronicled the news of the Garifuna Ethnic Group, particularly in the New York City area.


However, this Chronicling extends to various American Cities and of course, the towns/villages that make up the Garifuna Nation in its mother countries of Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua and St.
Vincent and The Grenadines.


Tio Teo’s work with the BEING GARIFUNA blog was recognized by Garifuna
non-profit organization, Garifuna Coalition USA Inc in 2010 in their
Fundraising Gala.


In 2011, The New York Daily News profiled Tio Teo and featured the BEING
GARIFUNA website.


Tio Teo was similarly featured in the New York City based Caribbean Life
Newspaper, the NY1 Cable News Channel and the Public Affairs show, Independent Sources as well as by College Students majoring in Journalism.


Future projects will include Literacy Projects regarding the Garifuna Language.


If you want, come celebrate with us at this Fundraiser Gala. Tickets are being sold and Ticket Buyers get to sit with Honorees and help them celebrate this Honor.


Honorees at The 2024 Central American Independence Parade and Festival Fundraiser Gala are selling tickets and those who want to go can contact the Honorees or call IHCAP Inc Vice-President, Miss Gloria Satuye at (347) 547-9189. You can also contact Teofilo “Tio Teo” Colon Jr for tickets.


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