This Annual Gathering will take place on SATURDAY, September 14th 2024 in Brooklyn
Copyright 2024 by Teofilo Colon Jr (a.k.a. “Tio Teo”) for Being Garifuna. All Rights Reserved. Contact Tio Teo.

Red Hook, Brooklyn – The Annual Gathering and Celebration marking Guatemalan and Central America’s Independence from Spain will take place at Red Hook Park in Brooklyn on, as noted in the above headline, SATURDAY, September 14th 2024.

The 2024 Guatemala Independence Festival is almost upon us. Lots of Food, Music, Sports, and Fellowship are in store and overall, fun for the entire family.


The Guatemalan Independence Festival takes place after the Bronx Central American Independence Parade and Festival and right before or on the date marking Central American Independence from Spain, which is September 15th.

This Annual Celebration started out as an annual Gathering for the families of people from Guatemala.


It consisted of Picnics, People playing Soccer, Family Parties, perhaps even informal Family Reunions.


DJ Sound Systems also often set up their equipment to play music and often, Bands, Music Groups and Performers would hold mini-concerts. That is, provided they acquire the proper permits. Otherwise, the Police come and shut it down.


I have not come across an official year that this Guatemalan Independence Festival started, but I have been told the late 80s into the early 90s.

Over the years, I have observed a mix of people attending this Annual Gathering. But I focused on the Guatemalan Garinagu who attended.

One particular delight is the food. Women often cooked and baked food to sell. Some brought cooking equipment to make the food before your very eyes.


Tasty, delicious and savory, your mouth and stomach will thank you for weeks. The women who make and serve the food being sold are also easy on the eyes, so your eyes will thank you as well.





Red Hook Park is located at 155 Bay Street in Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York.

Those traveling by Subway can take the F Train or G Train to the Smith-9th Street Subway Station.


I have not seen an official time schedule, but based on past festivals, it goes on in the Afternoon into the Early Evening.

Hope to see you all there for this FREE Family Event.