(REPOST with VIDEO) Andy Palacio Acceptance Speech at The 2007 WOMEX Awards

Andy Palacio at Podium.


Copyright 2025 by Teofilo Colon Jr (a.k.a. “Tio Teo”) for Being Garifuna. All Rights Reserved. Contact Tio Teo.


Seville, Spain — In June 2007, WOMEX (World Music Expo) announced that Singer Songwriter of Belizean Garifuna Heritage, Andy Palacio and Music Producer and StoneTree Records Founder, Ivan Duran, were joint winners of The 2007 WOMEX Award.


Upon learning of this announcement, Andy Palacio explained, “It’s an extraordinary endorsement. Not just for me as an artist, but for a community that, despite the greatest challenges, has demonstrated a remarkable resilience, with cultural expression at the forefront.” 1

  1. https://worldmusiccentral.org/2007/06/05/andy-palacio-and-ivan-duran-2007-womex-award-winners/ ↩︎


Ivan Duran added, “I’m too young to be receiving Awards! I feel very humbled by this award and I share it with the many ‘small’ and unknown producers around the world who, like me, one day decided to produce new music and artists no ‘big label’ cared about.”


I am not sure, but this is probably the first instance of a Music Artist of Garifuna Heritage to have a music album heralded and awarded by Mainstream or Established Music Institutions. Hence, my inclusion of this noteworthy historic footnote to this website.


The 2007 Womex Awards took place on October 28th 2007 in Seville, Spain. The presentation took place at the FIBES Auditorium Al-Andalus.


Below is a transcript of Andy Palacio’s Acceptance Speech at The 2007 WOMEX Awards. Below that, will be actual video of his speech.


It is a terrific speech. Upon listening to the speech, you can get a sense of the sensibility, and depths of Mr. Palacio’s talent as an orator and writer.


Andy Palacio delivering his acceptance speech at the 2007 WOMEX Awards.


“I’d just like to say a few words, because I have a few minutes. Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I humbly thank the World Music Expo (WOMEX) for honoring my producer, Ivan Duran and me today, in the presence of our friends and colleagues from the World Music Community.”


I see this award not so much as a personal endorsement but in fact as an extraordinary and sincere validation of a concept in which artists such as myself take up the challenge to make music with a higher purpose that goes beyond simple entertainment.”


“I accept this award on behalf of my fellow artists from all over the world. particularly, the Current Common Central American Regions, with the hope that it will serve to reinforce those sentiments that fuel cultures of resistance and pride in one’s own.”


“The true heroes behind our music are really those first Garifuna fighters who, in the 18th Century, on the island of Yurumei (St. Vincent), stood up against slavery, colonization and cultural domination. Choosing to keep their identity and remain the Garifuna Nation. Many, including Paramount Chief Joseph Chatoyer, paid the ultimate price.”


“Then came those who survived that genocide and were forcibly relocated to the Caribbean coast of Central America.”


“This award honors those mothers and fathers who have passed on this legacy (including our language, music, dance, folklore and spirituality) to their children. That we today may add to the richness and diversity that makes our world a better place for all. Left to the formal educational systems, this may never have happened.”


“Generations of Garifuna composers and musicians such as the inspiring and legendary Belizean Parandero, Paul Nabor have kept Garifuna music alive, purely as a means of expression. Expressing our deepest emotions.”


“In today’s world, however, Garifuna music has taken on the additional role of contributing to the socio-economic development not only of its practitioners, but indeed to the very nations of which we are citizens, making our contributions in just about every field, including Education, Governance, Commerce, Entertainment and Tourism.”


“As I stand here, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for all those who have supported my ambitions along the way. Reuben Palacio, my father, May he Rest In Peace, inspired me with a love of music from a very early age.”


“I wish he were here today. Cleofa Avilez, my mother, along with all the people of the Village of Barranco in Belize, have given me love and the gift of Garifunaness of which I am so proud and for that I am most grateful.”


“Along the way, I have been blessed to meet and work with the many talented composers and musicians who make up the Garifuna Collective.”


“Today, I thank all of them for their numerous contributions that have resulted in the release of Watina, which, I have been told, is believed to be a work of excellence.”


“I too pay tribute to Ivan Duran who spent many years perfecting the sound on Watina. And to the hard working crew at Stonetree Records along with Jacob Edgar and our friends at Cumbancha for making this all happen.”


“I may not have been standing here were it not for the vision that has resulted in a cultural renaissance in Belize under the leadership of the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH) and for the unwavering support afforded me by The Prime Minister, Said Musa and his Government, I will be eternally grateful as I also am to the governments and people of Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Belize.”


“Above all, rutina seremei (I give thanks) luagu houbadina sun garinagu (on behalf of all Garinagu) houn hahari wayunagu luma Bungiu Baba (to our ancestors and the Almighty Father) luagu hadeiweihan woun (for the many gifts and blessings) le agudahabaliwa luagu sun dan le (that has sustained us through the ages. Seremei nia hun. I Thank You very much.”




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