(REPOST) Preserving the Traditions of the Garifuna People through Song (2010)


Copyright 2010 by Teofilo Colon Jr (a.k.a. “Tio Teo”) for Being Garifuna. All Rights Reserved. Contact Tio Teo.

February 21st 2010.


Chico, California — Here is a story about The Garifuna Women’s Project. A music project from StoneTree Records of Belize. The Garifuna Women’s Project were touring the United States in promotion of their Umalali The Garifuna Women’s Project Album. Umalali means “Voice” in the Garifuna Language.


They were set to perform at Chico State’s Laxson Auditorium on Feb. 16th 2010. The article gave a basic introduction to the Garifuna people, this unique music project and some biographical information on Desere Diego, a member of the group from Belize. Drummer Joshua Arana is also quoted in the article.


Song Titles from The Umalali The Garifuna Women’s Project Album


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