American Basketball Player of Honduran Garifuna Heritage, LESLY ARZU-COLON , Joins First Ever Honduran Professional Women’s Basketball League, The LPBF

Lesly Arzu-Colon has been Playing for the LPBF since late May 2024


Copyright 2024 by Teofilo Colon Jr for Being Garifuna. All Rights Reserved.


Tegucigalpa, Honduras – Talented American Woman Basketball Player of Honduran Garifuna Heritage, Lesly Arzu-Colon, has joined the National Engineers Woman’s Basketball Team in the First Ever Professional Women’s Basketball League, The LPBF (Liga Professional de Baloncesto Femenino – Professional League of Women’s Basketball).



The LPBF launched it’s Women’s Basketball League in Late May 2024. It’s based in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, the Capitol of Honduras, and consists of Four Teams.



The four teams in the LPBF are:

  • Nacional de Ingenieros (National Engineers)
  • Teguz 504
  • Teguz Juvenil
  • Tune Squad


The LPBF is a League established the growing demand for Professional Basketball and to create Legitimate Opportunities for Female Athletes in the area. Some Support for the LPBF comes from American Sports and Entertainment Marketing Company, Royal Heir Entertainment.



CEO of Royal Heir Entertainment, Brian “Essince” Collins, a Honduran Music Marketer and Professional Sports Team Owner in the United States of America.



Lesly Arzu-Colon is a Basketball Guard who is 5 Feet 9 Inches Tall and is 21 Years Old from Brooklyn.


Her parents are Honduran Garifuna from Santa Fe, Honduras and Lesly is a former Miss Garifuna USA NY. (2018).




Lesly attended Lafayette Educational Complex in Brooklyn while in High School.



In College, she attended Mohawk Valley Community College which has campuses in Utica, New York and Rome, New York.




Her favorite Women’s Basketball Player is Hall of Fame Champion Professional American Basketball Player and Actress, Lisa Leslie of The Los Angeles Sparks.





